Pumpkin Seeds

Cucurbita pepo Linnaeus

Pumpkin seeds


  • Anthelmintic
  • Antidiabetic
  • Antitumor
  • Antiparasitic
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antiulcer
  • Wound-healing
Pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo Linnaeus) is a well-known edible plant that has substantial medicinal properties. It contains several phyto-constituents belonging to the categories of alkaloids, flavonoids, and palmitic, oleic and linoleic acids. Pumpkin seeds have been known in folk medicine as remedy for kidney, bladder and prostate disorders since centuries. Specific applications relating to poultry include:
  • Deworming: Pumpkin seeds have been proven to be effective in controlling gastrointestinal helminths in some studies.
  • Burn wound healing: Several studies conducted on rats have shown evidence that oil extracted from pumpkins are beneficial for quicker healing of burns.

Poultry Specific Studies

TypePlant PartDosageSpecific useResultsRef
Otherseeds1 g/kg BWanthelminticEffective in controlling gastrointestinal helminths.T Feitosa et al., 2013
Chickens2 g/bird per dayanthelminticResults indicated that compared to mebendazole, pumpkin seed was moderately effective in reducing worm counts of Ascaridia spp. and Raillietina spp., marginally active in reducing worm counts of Heterakis spp., and moderately effective in reducing egg output of the worms.J Acorda et al., 2019
