Don't Provide Access to Garbage : Opossums are attracted to pet food, trash bins, uneaten feed, bird feeders and chicken coops. Keep your garbage can lid on tight by securing it with rope, chain, bungee cords, or weights. To prevent tipping, secure side handles to metal or wooden stakes driven into the ground. Or keep your cans in tight-fitting bins, a shed, or a garage. Put garbage cans out for pickup in the morning, after opossums have returned to their resting areas.
Barbecue Grills : Clean barbecue grills and grease traps thoroughly following each use.
Eliminate potential den sites : Do not store wood piles nearby and close off access to chimneys, attics, and spaces underneath buildings. by installing steel wire mesh or sheet metal, covering all openings. Fix any broken vents, screens, foundation and siding that opossums can enter to make a den.
Trimming trees and shrubs : Trim tree branches that hang within 10 feet of your roof or poultry enclosure, to prevent opossums from climbing them and jumping down. Opossums are skilled tree climbers and are able to jump up to 10 feet.
Eliminate Access Points : To prevent opossums from accessing birds in their night roosts, equip chicken coops with well fitted doors and secure locking mechanisms.
Fully Enclose Outside Pens : Completely enclose outdoor pens with 1/2 inch woven wire fencing placed over a sturdy wooden framework. Fencing must be at least 3-4 feet high. Overlap and securely wire all seams on top and/or add an outward angle at the top of the fence to prevent opossums from forcing their way inside by using their weight.
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