Remove attractants : Do not use wild bird feeders, as coyotes are attracted to birds and rodents. Secure garbage containers. Trim or remove any ground-level shrubs or branches that provide hiding cover or den sites for coyotes or prey. Keep poultry in a secure enclosure at all times.
Enclosure height : Fences must be at least 6 ft (1.8 m) high to prevent coyotes from jumping over it.
Fence Material : Metal hardware cloth that is at least 19 gauge, 1/2 in x 1/2 in (1.27 cm x 1.27 cm).
To prevent digging : Fencing must be buried at least 2 ft (61 cm) into the ground or 2 ft (61 cm) outward, along the ground surface and firmly anchored into the ground.
Hardware fastenings : Must use fitted doors and secure locking mechanisms on coops or outer bird enclosures.
Electric fencing : A single strand of electric fencing set at 15-18 inches above the ground is simple and cost effective. It can be powered through AC or battery. Best results are realized when the hot wire is baited with molasses smeared on a piece of tin foil.
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