PoultryDVM - When to take your chicken to see your veterinarian

When to take your chicken to see your veterinarian

Added December 3, 2022

Emergency signs that require immediate veterinary care in chickens include:

  • Difficulty breathing: Open-mouthed breathing, gasping, tail bobbing, increased sternal motion.
  • Darkened/purple/blue comb
  • Critically ill birds: These are the guys who are standing away from the other birds with their head lowered, feathers ruffled, and eyes partially to fully closed.
  • Anorexic: Birds who have no appetite and haven't eaten in over 24 hours.
  • Predator attack victims
  • Traumatic injuries
  • Maggots are present
  • Prolapsed tissues
  • Active bleeding, recent blood loss, or blood in droppings.
  • Straining to pass an egg or droppings.
  • Sudden collapse or seizuring
  • Exposure to toxins: Ingestion, topical or aerosol

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