Brand Names:
Nemex, Strongid

Drug Type: Anthelmintic

Pyrantel Pamoate

Pyrantel Pamoate (pyrantel embonate) is a pyrimidine-derivative anthelmintic, used in poultry to treat internal parasites--specifically against large roundworms, Capillaria, and Hetarakis.

Storage/Stability: Pyrantel pamoate products should be stored in tight, light-resistant containers at room temperature (15-30°C) unless otherwise directed by the manufacturer.

Caution: Use with caution in severely de­bilitated animals. The manufacturers usually recommend not administering the drug to severely debilitated animals.
  • 7 mg/kg given orally, repeat in 14 days.
  • Clindamycin: The risk or severity of neuromuscular blockade can be increased when Clindamycin is combined with Pyrantel.
  • Dexamethasone: The risk or severity of myopathy and weakness can be increased when Pyrantel is combined with Dexamethasone.
  • Dexamethasone acetate: The risk or severity of myopathy and weakness can be increased when Pyrantel is combined with Dexamethasone acetate.
  • Diazepam: The risk or severity of CNS depression can be increased when Diazepam is combined with Pyrantel.
  • Furosemide: Furosemide may decrease the neuromuscular blocking activities of Pyrantel.
  • Melatonin: The risk or severity of CNS depression can be increased when Melatonin is combined with Pyrantel.
  • Methylprednisolone: The risk or severity of myopathy and weakness can be increased when Pyrantel is combined with Methylprednisolone.
  • Prednisolone: The risk or severity of myopathy and weakness can be increased when Pyrantel is combined with Prednisolone.
  • Prednisone: The risk or severity of myopathy and weakness can be increased when Pyrantel is combined with Prednisone.
  • St. John's Wort: The risk or severity of CNS depression can be increased when St. John's Wort is combined with Pyrantel.